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Jainism - The Oldest Religion

Jainism (pronounced as Jayan-izm), is a dharam practiced in India by several million people. It is considered as the oldest religion of mankind. Jainism believes that the universe has no beginning or end. It is eternal. Religion or religious people can never be wiped out of the world. All the souls have a capacity to become God by doing good deeds and following the path of righteousness.

Jainism teaches every living thing has a soul. The soul is same for all the creatures, be it human beings, animals, plants, dev or narki. Every living creature is responsible for his/her own actions. Their deeds or karma decide their state (happy/sad). Jainism teaches to live, think and act in ways so that no other creature is harmed. Ahimsa / non-violence is the foundation stone of Jainism. It means respect for one and all.

The religious figures / Gods of Jainism are called Tirthankaras. There are 24 tirthankaras in one Kal chakra (time cycle). The first tirthankara in this present kal chakra was Rishabh Dev Bhagwan and the last, 24th was Mahavir Swami Bhagwan.

Jainism - Oldest Religion?

Some philosophers consider Jainism as a branch of Hinduism or Buddhism. Considering Jainism as a branch of any other religion is a false statement.

Mahavira was born in 540 B.C and Buddha was born in 563 B.C. Buddha was 23 years older than Mahavira. Due to this age gap many consider Jainism as part of Buddhism but Jainism did not start with Mahavira. In this time cycle (kal chakra), Jain teachings were initiated by Bhagwan Rishabh Dev who was born 592.704 x 1018 years ago. This make Jainism an independent reigion.

Even in Hindu literatures we can find referance to 22nd tirthankara, Arishtnemi Nath Bhagwan, who was a cousin of Shri Krishna. Shri Ram Chandra was born at the time of 20th tirthankara, Bhagwan Muni Suvrat Ji. There were 19 jain tirthankaras before that time making Jainism the oldest religion.

Other religions like Christianity, Islam, Sikhism are relatively new, ranging from a few thousand to a few hundred years.

It is evident from the above discussion that Jainism is the oldest religion. The next write-up coming from my side will be - Who are Jains?

Stay Tuned.

Stay Safe.

Blessings to all.

Neha Jain

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